"Singing Sweetly" is an original acrylic painting on an oval wood panel. Vibrant colors, expressive brushstrokes, and rich texture form a pink, orange, yellow, and purple flower bouquet.
I named this piece "Singing Sweetly" because the flowers seem to dance across the unique oval panel almost like music notes on a staff. I am a lover of all the arts, and I think my appreciation for music enhances my love of visual art, too. Although I can't hear the notes, I can imagine that the soft oranges, yellows, greens, and gold are are singing sweetly in harmony.
Hand-painted on a wood panel, the floral painting measures 10" x 14" and the gold painted built-in frame makes the finished size 11.5" x 15.5". It is fully sealed and ready for display.
"Abundance" is my fall collection of juicy, vibrant florals! Autumn is traditionally a season of reaping, of harvest, and of giving thanks for life's bounty, but "Abundance" also symbolizes my good fortune and gratitude for my life and career as an artist. I hope that it also shows that in this year of tension and uncertainty, we can always find something beautiful in life.